Shepard, Sam


Audio quality is poor due to the quality of the tape it was recorded on. It is hard to hear what is being discussed during parts of the recording. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.

"Me and Sam (Both Sides),” pt 2

This is a continuation of side A. They talk about memories and the difference between American and British actors. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.

"Me and Sam (Both Sides),” pt 1

The first parts of this recording are voice messages left for Johnny. After the messages, Sam tells a story about his son meeting a girl that he was fixated on at a restaurant. Sam talks about his family, burying his mom and growing up. Johnny talks about having reoccurring dreams about certain people in his life. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.


Johnny talks about feeling like a “sleazy lecher” while telling a story about his last date a girl and how inappropriate it was. The conversations then changes to the topic of first dates and what to do on them. Johnny reads passages from the book he was writing at the time. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.

"Sam and John"

Johnny tells Sam a story about working outside, playing racquetball and feeling alone at the Y. Johnny elaborates on loneliness and how people surround themselves with people to not be alone. Their conversation then moves to the Bible and matters that are of a spiritual nature. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.

"Sam and John"

Sam and Johnny talk about a New York Times article about Afghanistan and the Taliban. They also talk about the story of Mohammad and Islam. During their conversation, Sam tells Johnny of the Bohemian Sausage Festival and Johnny reminisces about going to a gun show after meeting up with Sam in Iowa. They also talk about the reactions of people after September 11, 2001 and what to expect in the coming days and the crusades during the middle ages. Sam also talks about writing about his father throughout his life. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.


Sam talks to Johnny about being flexible and being able to move and relocate. Sam also talks about trying to sell a horse that had bad tendons and using magnets for inflammation. During a second discussion, Sam and Johnny talk about a mutual acquaintance’s trip to Spain to meet up with her ex husband and the author Juan Rulfo. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.

"Sam and John"

Johnny talks to Sam about finally understanding Sam’s love of driving. Sam tells Johnny a story about a guy he knew who taught his kid how to shoot a .22 by having the kid shoot a cigarette out of his mouth. They also talk about Charles Manson and his magnetism with women, Wang Poe and Buddhism, mind substance and Robin Williams. After the conversation with Sam, the recording picks up mid conversation between Johnny and an unknown woman. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.


During this conversation, Sam tells Johnny about reading Great River and how the writer, Paul Horgan, has a way with writing. They also discuss continuity in life and with people and relationships. Sam talks with Johnny about moving himself to Texas. (Sound missing due to technical difficulties during digital transfer, beginning at 21:27 and ends at 22:00) Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.


Johnny talks with an unknown woman about writing his biography and the various things he has done with it, such as writing his own death at the end. The woman also talks to Johnny about writing her biography as well. The conversation eventually turns to talk about how Johnny went around and interviewed the people that he knows for his biography so that they could write their own story for it. Johnny tells a story of a former girlfriend who was forced by her father to drop out of college and forbade her from seeing him again and how they finally met up 30 years later. Conversations between Sam Shepard and Johnny Dark.