Texas State University. College of Liberal Arts. Department of Political Science

MPA Program Newsletter 2012

Public Matters is the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program's magazine that highlights not only the program's achievements, events, and faculty research throughout the previous year, but also shines a light on our MPA alumni and their work within the field of public administration.

MPA Program Newsletter 2011

Public Matters is the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program's magazine that highlights not only the program's achievements, events, and faculty research throughout the previous year, but also shines a light on our MPA alumni and their work within the field of public administration.

MPA Program Newsletter 2010

Public Matters is the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program's magazine that highlights not only the program's achievements, events, and faculty research throughout the previous year, but also shines a light on our MPA alumni and their work within the field of public administration.

Alumni NewsWire 2022

The Alumni NewsWire is the political science program's annual magazine. Published at the beginning of each fall semester, the magazine contains everything the program has been up to the previous year.

Alumni NewsWire 2021

The Alumni NewsWire is the political science program's annual magazine. Published at the beginning of each fall semester, the magazine contains everything the program has been up to the previous year.

Alumni NewsWire 2020

The Alumni NewsWire is the political science program's annual magazine. Published at the beginning of each fall semester, the magazine contains everything the program has been up to the previous year.

Alumni NewsWire 2019

The Alumni NewsWire is the political science program's annual magazine. Published at the beginning of each fall semester, the magazine contains everything the program has been up to the previous year.

Alumni NewsWire 2018

The Alumni NewsWire is the political science program's annual magazine. Published at the beginning of each fall semester, the magazine contains everything the program has been up to the previous year.

Alumni NewsWire 2017

The Alumni NewsWire is the political science program's annual magazine. Published at the beginning of each fall semester, the magazine contains everything the program has been up to the previous year.

Alumni NewsWire 2016

The Alumni NewsWire is the political science program's annual magazine. Published at the beginning of each fall semester, the magazine contains everything the program has been up to the previous year.