Branch Davidians

Video footage of Mt. Carmel, April 19, 1993, Multiple segments - Part 1

Footage of various vehicles, helicopters, agents and police around Mt. Carmel perimeter; sign reading "No Tourist" in foreground of Mt. Carmel; medical tent and personnel treating Clive Doyle after he escaped fire, and loading a covered body into an ambulance; David Thibodeau being taken into custody after he escaped fire; Branch Davidian in orange jumpsuit and handcuffs being put into police car. Label reads "Mt Carmel 4/19/93 - Medical Treatment." Part 1 of 2; original on VHS tape.

Interviews with Branch Davidians inside Mt. Carmel, March 28, 1993

David Koresh interviewing young children one-by-one--asking them if they believe God will save them, etc.; tanks audible in background; Steve Schneider interviewing older children and David Thibodeau (addressing his mother). Label reads "Tape from compound 3/28/93." Interviewees include Thibodeau, David; Martinez, Isaiah; Martinez, Crystal; Sylvia, Holly; Koresh, Star; Schneider, Mayanah; Koresh, Cyrus; Gent, Dayland; Martinez, Joseph; Martin, Lisa; Martinez, Audrey; Sylvia, Rachel; Martinez, Abigail; and Martin, Sheila. Original on VHS tape.

Interviews with Branch Davidians inside Mt. Carmel, March 8, 1993 - part 3

Recorded interviews by David Koresh, with family and children inside Mt. Carmel during Waco standoff-Part 3. Interviewees include: Koresh, Cyrus; Koresh, Star; Koresh, Bobbie; Gent, Dayland; Gent, Page; Gent Little, Nicole; Schneider, Mayanah; Andrade, Chanel; Chanel, Kathy; Jones, Serenity; Jones, Unidentified; Koresh, Rachel; Sylvia, Holly; Summers, Startle; and Summers Gyrfas, Aisha. Third of three parts; duplicate of RV047; original on VHS tape. Label reads "MC home video."

Interviews with Branch Davidians inside Mt. Carmel, March 8, 1993 - part 2

Recorded interviews by David Koresh, with family and children inside Mt. Carmel during Waco standoff-Part 2. Interviewees include: Noberega, Theresa; Sonobe, Floracita; Fagan, Evette; Vaega, Doris; Richards, Anita; Little, Nicole Gent; Morrison, Melissa; Morrison, Rose; Henry, Diana; Henry, Phil; Henry, Paulina; Henry, Steven; Henry, Vanessa; Henry, Phyllis; [Centoya], Ophelia; Lovelock, Derek; [Farris], Lisa; Sonobe, Scott; and Schroeder, Kathy. Original on VHS tape. Label reads "MC home video." Second of three parts; duplicate of RV047; original on VHS tape.

Interviews with Branch Davidians inside Mt. Carmel, March 8, 1993 - part 1

Recorded interviews by David Koresh, with family and children inside Mt. Carmel during Waco standoff-Part 1. Interviewees include: Monbelly, Bernadette; Thomas, Marjorie; Schneider-Koresh, Judy; Schneider, Mayanah; Martin, Lisa; Martinez, Abigail; Sylvia, Rachel; Martinez, Audrey; Sylvia, Lorraine; and Schroeder, Kathy. Original on VHS tape. Label reads "MC home video." First of three parts; duplicate of RV047; original on VHS tape.