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Soap Creek music calendar, November 1975

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on white paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a boy holding a turkey with the American, Texas, and Confederate flag to celebrate 200 years of turkeys.
Caption: "1776.1976 200 years of Turkeys", "707 Bee Cabes Rd.", "phone 327-9016", "Watch for the New Soap Creek Saloon Buy-cent-ennial T-shirt by Kerry Awn. Just in time for Christmas", "every Tues Big Rikki cooks dinner", "in a series. Vol II No. 11. collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, June 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn advertising the San Francisco poster show for the opening of the Soap Creek Saloon Beer Garden. Softball game between Soap Creek and Slow Eddy's at Krieg field.
Caption: "Summertime", "Summer of Love 1967-1977", "San Francisco Poster Show 2nd Annual", "Beer Garden Opening", "Soap Creek Home of the Stars", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "phone 327.9016", "coming Sweathogs Pik-Nik USA 4th of July", "in a series. Vol 4 No. 6 collect them all."

Soap Creek music calendar, July 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a photo of Delbert McClinton with names of his bandmembers Billy Sanders, Ronny Wiess, Robert Harwell, Daniel Stanley, Linda Wering, and Lewis Stephens. Softball game for the Soap Creek team every Monday this month.
Caption: "Delbert McClinton Capricorn Records", "Billy Sanders-Guitar, Ronny Wiess-Guitar, Robert Harwell-Horn Section, Daniel Stanley-Keyboard, Linda Wering-Drums, Lewis Stephens-Bass", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "327-9016", "Beer Garden Opens Tues-Sat at 2pm", "Closed on Sundays.Mondays", "in a series Vol 4 No 7 collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, July 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a photo of Delbert McClinton with names of his bandmembers Billy Sanders, Ronny Wiess, Robert Harwell, Daniel Stanley, Linda Wering, and Lewis Stephens. Softball game for the Soap Creek team every Monday this month.
Caption: "Delbert McClinton Capricorn Records", "Billy Sanders-Guitar, Ronny Wiess-Guitar, Robert Harwell-Horn Section, Daniel Stanley-Keyboard, Linda Wering-Drums, Lewis Stephens-Bass", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "327-9016", "Beer Garden Opens Tues-Sat at 2pm", "Closed on Sundays.Mondays", "in a series Vol 4 No 7 collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, August 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts the George Majewski family, including wife Carlyne Majer, son Ross, and newborn daughter Keri Lynn.
Caption: "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "phone: 327-9016", "A Star Is Born", "The George Majewski Family", "Featuring Kerry Lyn Born 7.17.77", "in a series. Vol IV No. 8…collect them all.."

Soap Creek music calendar, April 1978

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts Six Flags Over George Majewski, his face hovering over the Soap Creek Saloon with the
Caption "serving central Texas for 1/20th of a century." Stage production of the play "Lenny" next month.
Caption: "Six Flags Over George Majewski", "Serving Central Texas for 1/20th of a Century", "SoapCreek 5th Anniversary Party", "coming in June: George Majewski Look Alike Weekend", "Stage Production of 'Lenny'", "in a series...Vol. 5 No. 5...collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, June 1978

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on green paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a fisherman with the
Caption: "Corky Bobber Fishermans Friend", "Keep a Stiff Rod", "707 Bee Caves Rd", "Phone 327-9016", "...Home of the Big Ones...", "'Lenny' the play", " a series Vol V No 7...collect them all..."

Soap Creek music calendar, January 1979

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on tan paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts the new Soap Creek Saloon building on N. Lamar.
Caption: "Now Located At: 11306 N. Lamar", "1 Blk N. of Austin City Limits", "Phone: 836.9915", "in a series..Vol 6 No. 2..collect em all."

Soap Creek music calendar, May 1979

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on tan paper. Art by Kerry Awn depticts a map of the downtown 1979 Austin area with the caption "All Roads Lead to the George Majewski Look-Alike Contest." The map shows the new location of the Soap Creek Saloon on North Lamar and Braker Lane. George Majewski look-alike contest.
Caption: "All Roads Lead To…The George Majewski Look-Alike Contest", "June 1979", "306 N. Lamar. 838.0509", "…in a series. Vol. VI No. 6…collect 'em all"

Soap Creek music calendar, July 1979

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts George Majewski and the winner of the George Majewski look-alike contest for 1979. No Nuke Benefit.
Caption: "11306 N. Lamar", "838.0509", "George Majewski & Winner of George Majewski Look-Alike-Contest-1979", "Closed on Sundays & Mondays.", "…in a series. Vol. VI No. 8..collect em all..."

Soap Creek music calendar, August 1979

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on blue paper. Art by Kerry Awn announces back to school with a depiction of a number 1 student and a longhorn, as well as a map of UT Austin to show off the new Soap Creek location. On August 31st the Uranium Savages recorded a live album.
Caption: "Back to School..", "University of Soap Creek Saloon", "11306 N. Lamar", "838.0509", "The Original Monthly Calendar", "in a series. Vol. 6 No. 9..collect them all..", "coming Oct. 4.5.6. Albert Collins"

Soap Creek music calendar, December 1979

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on tan paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts David Arnsberger (Sweathog Moron) and David Perkoff of Uranium Savages interviewed by Mark Hanna from KTBC News about the Savages time capsule buried at George Majewski park just outside of the new Soap Creek Saloon, not to be opened till 2688.
Caption: "Mark Hannah. KTBC News. Interviews Sweathog Moron and David Perkoff (L to R)", "Of Uranium Savages on Site of George Majewski Park and Time Capsule.", "Phone: 838-0509", "11306 N. Lamar", "Closed Sundays & Mondays", " a series. Vol. 7 No. 1. collect em all..."

Soap Creek music calendar, March 1980

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on orange paper. Art by Kerry Awn, based a photo by Charles Ray, depicts the staff at Austin radio station KLBJ 93.7 FM. Poster kids of the month are Cecille, Tanya, TQ, Dusty, Jules, Dave, Ed, Mark, Kerry, and Wayne. Benefit for Raymond Frank. Third annual Spamarama cook off.
Caption: "Poster Kids of the Month", "KLBJ 93.7 FM", "L to R: Cecille, Tanya, TQ, Dusty, Jules, Dave, Ed, Mark, Kerry, Wayne", "11306 N. Lamar", "835.0509", "in a series..Vol. 7 No. 4..collect em all.", "photo by: Charles Ray"

Soap Creek music calendar, September 1980

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts Rondo Hatton, known for playing the monster in horror movies from the 1940s, captioned "He didn't mind frightening people on the screen but in real life it saddened him that strangers sometimes were shocked by his appearance." Benefit for the American Civil Liberties Union.
Caption: "Soap Creek Saloon 11306 N. Lamar Austin 835-0509", "Rondo Hatton", "He didn't mind frightening people on the screen but in real life it saddened him that strangers sometimes were shocked by his appearance.", "Closed. Sun. Mon. Tue.", "coming Roomful of Blues Nov. 7-8", " a series..Vol. 7 No. 10..collect em all.."

Soap Creek music calendar, December 1980

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on white paper. Art by Kerry Awn has Soap Creek Saloon in a big title,
Captioned The "New" Home of George Majewski. Presentation of the musical spoof "Westward Hose, written by Steve Saugey and performed by the Esthers Follies troupe. Caption: Soap Creek Saloon Austin", "The 'New' Home of George Majewski", "January 1981", "Closed Sun-Mon-Tue", " a series Vol. 8 No. 1..collect em all…"

Soap Creek music calendar, February 1981

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on yellow paper. Art by Kerry Awn depcits a photo Billy Bob, bouncer at Soap Creek, on a woman's shirt, for his birthday. Benefit for Bob Binder, who ran for mayor of Austin in 1981.
Caption: "Soap Creek", "March 81", "April Fools, 11306 N. Lamar", "835. 0509", ".in a series. Vol. 8 No. 3. collect 'em all"

Soap Creek music calendar, May 1981

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on white paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts himself drawing the June Soap Creek calendar, saying "Now that this joint has closed, I can finally do what I've always dreamed of....moving to Houston and making money He signs the drawing I love you Texans" as a farewell to the North Lamar Soap Creek Saloon location. Caption: "The Last Soap Creek Calendar", "Now That This Joint Has Closed, I Can Finally Do What I've Always Dreamed of…Moving to Houston and Making Money, I Love You Texans-Kerry Awn", "June 1981", "306 N. Lamar", "835.0509", "Austin", "Last in a Series..Vol. 8 No. 6..Collect All 88 of 'em"

Soap Creek music calendar, June 1981

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on white paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts the poster girl of the month, Marshall Chapman. Soap Creek saloon moved again to South Congress, where it is now a bar and restaurant with music on Friday and Saturdays. The calendar also promotes shows at the Austin Opry House.
Caption: "Soap Creek Saloon Bar & Restaurant", "443-1966", "1201 S. Congress", "Marshall Chapman Poster Girl of the Month", "on Rounder Records", "Daily Specials", "A Majer Austin Opry House Production", " a series...Vol. 8 No. 7...collect em all"