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Displaying results 1 - 20 of 28
“Root of Jessie,” side a
Bible study/sermon by David Koresh (Vernon Howell). Labeled "Root of Jessie - Gentile Girls (Study by David Koresh)" side a. Digital file provided by Catherine Wessinger.
Excerpt of BATF dispatcher and officials communicating during Feb. 28 raid
Label reads "ATF Raid 2/28/93 2nd copy Recording of ATF officials during raid."
Excerpt of the first 911 call
Excerpt of the first 911 call initiated by Branch Davidian Wayne Martin during BATF raid on Mt. Carmel, Feb. 28, 1993. Label reads "911 Waco 1-A; 1-B."
Negotiations in immediate aftermath of Feb. 28 raid
Negotiations between David Koresh, Police Lt. Larry Lynch, Steve Schneider and others in immediate aftermath of Feb. 28 raid. Label reads "911 Waco 3-A - [refers to transcript tape number]."
David Koresh's sermon from Mount Carmel, broadcast on the radio
Label reads "David 58-minute"
Negotiations on March 3, 1993
Negotiations on March 3, 1993 regarding the release of children and possibility of more people leaving. Refers to transcript #30. Label reads, "Mt Carmel Recorded Phone Calls. Tape #30. 3/3/93"
Negotiations between Branch Davidans and FBI on March 5, 1993
Label reads "Tape 58 [refers to transcript tape number]; Side B blank; March 5, 1993 5:58-6:39 pm." See transcript #58 for transcript of this recording.
Excerpt of Ron Engleman interviewing Brad Branch
Excerpt of Ron Engleman interviewing Brad Branch, who is in jail after leaving Mount Carmel. Printed label on Side A: "KGBS Hot Talk Radio; Handwritten notes on label: 8:40am(?) Mon. 3/22/93 Ron Engelman w/Brad Branch." Side B unlabeled.
Excerpt of Ron Engleman interviewing Kevin Whitecliff
Excerpt of Ron Engleman interviewing Kevin Whitecliff, who is in jail after leaving Mount Carmel. Printed label on Side A: "KGBS Hot Talk Radio; Handwritten notes on label: 8:40am(?) Mon. 3/22/93 Ron Engelman w/Brad Branch." Side B unlabeled.
Dr. Jim Tabor and Dr. Phil Arnold interiewed on the Ron Engleman Show
Dr. Phil Arnold and Dr. Jim Tabor speaking about Revelation, the Seven Seals, and Koresh's interpretation of the Bible on the Ron Engelman Show. Label reads "Copy of discussion bettween [sic] Dr. Phil Arnold and Dr. Jim Tabor. KGBS radio, Ron Engelman Show 10:34 AM April 1, 1993."
Dr. Jim Tabor interviewed on the Ron Engleman Show
Dr. Jim Tabor speaking about David Koresh's writing on the First Seal of Revelation and his possible intentions to exit Mt. Carmel. Label reads, "Copy of discussion bettween [sic] Dr. Phil Arnold and Dr. Jim Tabor. KGBS radio, Ron Engelman Show 10:34 AM April 1, 1993."
Interview with David Koresh by Joyce Sparks on the telephone
Joyce Sparks (of Child Protective Services) speaking with David Koresh on the telephone, April 2, 1993, about mass suicide rumors, Marc Breault's counter prophecy and efforts to destroy Branch Davidians, the 1987 trial, bringing children into office for interviews, etc. Label reads “J. Spark, intv. with D.K. 4-2-92."
Compliation of last recorded words of David Koresh
Compliation of last recorded words of David Koresh, from negotiations with FBI, April 16-18, 1993. Beginning of recording: "This tape contains the last recorded words of David Koresh. It's taken from telephone conversations between David Koresh and FBI negotiators. It was recorded by the government and the tapes were recently released by the Justice Department." Speaker then introduces each segment with context. Speaker is unidentified. Label reads, "The Last Words of David Koresh April 16-18, 1993 (May be copied and distributed)."
Excerpt of FBI loudspeaker instructions, near the beginning of the assault on April 19, 1993
Excerpt of loudspeaker instructions from FBI negotiator Byron Sage, near the beginning of the assault on April 19, 1993. Label reads "89B-SA 38851-SVBA SA-SDTX-72 #31 4/19/93."
Excerpts from negotiations between David Koresh, Steve Schneider and FBI negotiators
Excerpts from negotiations between David Koresh, Steve Schneider and FBI negotiators, discussing theology, tract on Seven Seals, fault of BATF during raid, etc; includes Byron Sage giving instructions on loudspeaker during April 19 assault.Label reads "Side A: 2nd tape of clips."
FBI loudspeaker instructions on April 19, 1993, after the fire has started
Loudspeaker instructions by FBI negotiator Byron Sage on April 19, 1993, after the fire has started. Label reads "898 SA-3851-SVBA SA WDTX-72 #32 4/19/93."
Negotiations between FBI negotiator John and Branch Davidians Steve Schneider and David Jones
Negotiations (transcript #105). Label reads "Negotiations (transcript #105); Side A: 105- D. Jones bite"
Interview with Janet Kendrick and Janet McBean for NPR report, side a
Unedited interview with Janet Kendrick and Janet McBean near Palestine, Texas on May 12, 1993 for NPR report. Label reads, “NPR Barnett Report” Branch Davidian Report NPR John Barnett Uncut Version."