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March of Dimes Officers (Image 1959-209_001)

Photograph of March of Dimes members sitting at a desk with flyers. From San Marcos Record: "March of Dimes President of the local chapter Rosco Chambliss, Secretary Treasurer Jim Dryer and chairman Jewel Parker." From January 22, 1959 issue.

March of Dimes Officers (Image 1959-209_004)

Photograph of three men sitting next to each other, preparing March of Dimes flyers. From San Marcos Record: "Opening envelopes containing contributions to the March of Dimes are Roscoe Chambliss, president of the local chapter of the national foundation, Jim Dyer, secretary-treasurer, Jewel Parke, chairman of the drive." From January 22, 1959 issue.

March of Dimes Officers (Image 1959-209_005)

Photograph of three men sitting next to each other, preparing March of Dimes flyers. From San Marcos Record: "Opening envelopes containing contributions to the March of Dimes are Roscoe Chambliss, president of the local chapter of the national foundation, Jim Dyer, secretary-treasurer, Jewel Parke, chairman of the drive." From January 22, 1959 issue.