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Soap Creek music calendar, March 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn showcases members of the band Alvin Crow and the Pleasant Valley Boys.
Caption: "Rick Crow High Steppin with Alvin Crow and the Pleasant Valley Boys", "Bobby Earl, Gary 'Smoothie' Roller, Roger Crabtree, Herb Steiner, T.J. McFarland, and 'Icepick' Ed Vizard", "707 Bee Caves Rd", "327-9016", "Visually Closed on Sundays and Mondays", "in a series. Vol 4 No. 3. Collect them all."

Soap Creek music calendar, June 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn advertising the San Francisco poster show for the opening of the Soap Creek Saloon Beer Garden. Softball game between Soap Creek and Slow Eddy's at Krieg field.
Caption: "Summertime", "Summer of Love 1967-1977", "San Francisco Poster Show 2nd Annual", "Beer Garden Opening", "Soap Creek Home of the Stars", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "phone 327.9016", "coming Sweathogs Pik-Nik USA 4th of July", "in a series. Vol 4 No. 6 collect them all."

Soap Creek music calendar, July 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a photo of Delbert McClinton with names of his bandmembers Billy Sanders, Ronny Wiess, Robert Harwell, Daniel Stanley, Linda Wering, and Lewis Stephens. Softball game for the Soap Creek team every Monday this month.
Caption: "Delbert McClinton Capricorn Records", "Billy Sanders-Guitar, Ronny Wiess-Guitar, Robert Harwell-Horn Section, Daniel Stanley-Keyboard, Linda Wering-Drums, Lewis Stephens-Bass", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "327-9016", "Beer Garden Opens Tues-Sat at 2pm", "Closed on Sundays.Mondays", "in a series Vol 4 No 7 collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, July 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a photo of Delbert McClinton with names of his bandmembers Billy Sanders, Ronny Wiess, Robert Harwell, Daniel Stanley, Linda Wering, and Lewis Stephens. Softball game for the Soap Creek team every Monday this month.
Caption: "Delbert McClinton Capricorn Records", "Billy Sanders-Guitar, Ronny Wiess-Guitar, Robert Harwell-Horn Section, Daniel Stanley-Keyboard, Linda Wering-Drums, Lewis Stephens-Bass", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "327-9016", "Beer Garden Opens Tues-Sat at 2pm", "Closed on Sundays.Mondays", "in a series Vol 4 No 7 collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, August 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts the George Majewski family, including wife Carlyne Majer, son Ross, and newborn daughter Keri Lynn.
Caption: "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "phone: 327-9016", "A Star Is Born", "The George Majewski Family", "Featuring Kerry Lyn Born 7.17.77", "in a series. Vol IV No. 8…collect them all.."

Soap Creek music calendar, September 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on white paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts photos taken by Ken Hoge of members of The Uranium Savages. Benefit for the Kerville Foundation.
Caption: "The Uranium Savages", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "phone: 327-9016", "Benefit Kerville Foundation", "in a series. Vol IV No. 10...collect em all."