Image Boys Standing Around a Fire (Image Undated-002_027) Description Photograph of unidentified boys standing around a fire.
Image Man Addressing Boys in Front of Fire (Image Undated-002_026) Description Photograph of an unidentified man in front of a fire, talking to an unidentified group of boys.
Image Putting Out Fire (Image 1959-140_001) Description Photograph of individuals working together to put a fire out in home.
Image Putting Out Fire (Image 1959-138_001) Description Photograph of a man putting out a fire in home.
Image Putting Out Fire (Image 1959-138_002) Description Photograph of a man putting out a fire outside home.
Image Putting Out Fire (Image 1959-138_003) Description Photograph of men putting out a fire outside home.
Image Putting Out Fire (Image 1959-138_004) Description Photograph of people hosing down a fire on someone's property.
Image Val Roberts Putting out Fire (Image 1959-134_001) Description Photograph of Val Roberts putting out a fire with a hose.
Image Val Roberts Putting out Fire (Image 1959-134_002) Description Photograph of Val Roberts putting out a fire with a hose.
Image Val Roberts Putting out Fire (Image 1959-134_003) Description Photograph of Val Roberts putting out a fire with a hose.
Image Val Roberts Putting out Fire (Image 1959-134_004) Description Photograph of a fire in the process of being put out.
Image Grass Fire (Image 1959-141_001) Description Photograph of firefighter putting out a fire off Holland Street in a field while a man watches.
Image Grass Fire (Image 1959-141_002) Description Photograph of firefighter putting out a fire off Holland Street in a field while people watch.
Image Martindale House Fire (Image 1959-144_001) Description Photograph of the remains of a house after being burnt down. Two brick chimneys are still standing.
Image Martindale House Fire (Image 1959-144_002) Description Photograph of the remains of a house after being burnt down. Two brick chimneys are still standing.