Search Results

Displaying results 1 - 20 of 24
Kenneth Sutton Presenting Mrs. Bert Miller With Charter (Image 1940s50s-056_002)

Photograph of Scout Commissioner Kenneth Sutton presenting Mrs. Bert Miller, PTA President, with the local Pack Charter at the Cub Scout Pot Luck Family Dinner held at the Baptist Church on February 10, 1948. From San Marcos Record: "Picture at the left shows Cub Scout Pot Luck Family Dinner held at the Baptist Church on February 10, 1948. Scout Commissioner Kenneth Sutton presenting Mrs. Bert Miller, PTA President, with the local Pack Charter."

Mrs. Ewing With Children (Image 1940s50s-056_003)

Photograph of woman and children at table. From San Marcos Record: "Mrs. Bush Ewing shown with three of her children - Charlie, Cub Scout Andy and Mary at the Cub Scout Pot Luck Family Dinner held at the Baptist Church on February 10, 1948."

Cub Scout Football (Image 1940s50s-079_006)

Photograph of seven unidentified boys in football uniforms posing with an older unidentified boy on field. From San Marcos Record: "Members of the 1944 Cub Scout Football League. The team was coached by Rugel Sowell Jr. and Mrs. Teaney. "