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Soap Creek music calendar, November 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on green paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a Santa Claus to wish a Merry Christmas. Party for Burton Wilson's photography book Burton's Book of the Blues. Kerry Awn's poster show.
Caption: "Merry Christmas Happy New Year from all da' folks at Soap Creek saloon", "707 Bee Caves Rd. Austin Texas. 327-9016", "in a series...Vol 4. No. 12...collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, March 1978

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on yellow paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a woman laying down while being fanned with the
Caption: "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "Austin", "Phone: 327-9016", "The Jokes on You", "closed Sunday & Monday", "in a series. Vol 5 No. 4 collect em all"

Soap Creek music calendar, April 1978

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts Six Flags Over George Majewski, his face hovering over the Soap Creek Saloon with the
Caption "serving central Texas for 1/20th of a century." Stage production of the play "Lenny" next month.
Caption: "Six Flags Over George Majewski", "Serving Central Texas for 1/20th of a Century", "SoapCreek 5th Anniversary Party", "coming in June: George Majewski Look Alike Weekend", "Stage Production of 'Lenny'", "in a series...Vol. 5 No. 5...collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, May 1978

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on blue paper. Art by Kerry Awn promotes the stage production of "Lenny," based on the life and words of Lenny Bruce. Performances every Sunday and Monday night in June by the Austin Repertory Group.
Caption: "Lenny", "Austin Repository Group Presents Every Sunday. Monday in June production Lenny", "Doors Open 8:00 pm", "Curtain Time 8:30 pm", "in a series…Vol. 5 No. 6...collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, June 1978

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on green paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a fisherman with the
Caption: "Corky Bobber Fishermans Friend", "Keep a Stiff Rod", "707 Bee Caves Rd", "Phone 327-9016", "...Home of the Big Ones...", "'Lenny' the play", " a series Vol V No 7...collect them all..."

Soap Creek music calendar, March 1980

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on orange paper. Art by Kerry Awn, based a photo by Charles Ray, depicts the staff at Austin radio station KLBJ 93.7 FM. Poster kids of the month are Cecille, Tanya, TQ, Dusty, Jules, Dave, Ed, Mark, Kerry, and Wayne. Benefit for Raymond Frank. Third annual Spamarama cook off.
Caption: "Poster Kids of the Month", "KLBJ 93.7 FM", "L to R: Cecille, Tanya, TQ, Dusty, Jules, Dave, Ed, Mark, Kerry, Wayne", "11306 N. Lamar", "835.0509", "in a series..Vol. 7 No. 4..collect em all.", "photo by: Charles Ray"