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Soap Creek music calendar, July 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a photo of Delbert McClinton with names of his bandmembers Billy Sanders, Ronny Wiess, Robert Harwell, Daniel Stanley, Linda Wering, and Lewis Stephens. Softball game for the Soap Creek team every Monday this month.
Caption: "Delbert McClinton Capricorn Records", "Billy Sanders-Guitar, Ronny Wiess-Guitar, Robert Harwell-Horn Section, Daniel Stanley-Keyboard, Linda Wering-Drums, Lewis Stephens-Bass", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "327-9016", "Beer Garden Opens Tues-Sat at 2pm", "Closed on Sundays.Mondays", "in a series Vol 4 No 7 collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, July 1977

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts a photo of Delbert McClinton with names of his bandmembers Billy Sanders, Ronny Wiess, Robert Harwell, Daniel Stanley, Linda Wering, and Lewis Stephens. Softball game for the Soap Creek team every Monday this month.
Caption: "Delbert McClinton Capricorn Records", "Billy Sanders-Guitar, Ronny Wiess-Guitar, Robert Harwell-Horn Section, Daniel Stanley-Keyboard, Linda Wering-Drums, Lewis Stephens-Bass", "707 Bee Caves Rd.", "327-9016", "Beer Garden Opens Tues-Sat at 2pm", "Closed on Sundays.Mondays", "in a series Vol 4 No 7 collect them all"

Soap Creek music calendar, March 1983

Calendar of musical performances at Soap Creek Saloon, Austin, Texas on grey paper. Art by Kerry Awn depicts Casita George's image of George Majewski for Spamarama.
Caption: "Casita George's", "Soap Creek Saloon", "1201 S. Congress", "443-1966", "Restaurant Open Daily 10-10", "Closed Mon.", "Syndays Gospel Brunch 10am-3pm", "in a series. Vol. 9 #4. collect em all."