Image Mixing straw with mud to make the plaster which is used to replaster the house once year. Chamisal, New Mexico
Image Once a year the women in the Spanish American families replaster the adobe houses. Neighboring women are hired to help with the work. Chamisal, New Mexico
Image Wife of Spanish American family, arranging things in adobe cupboard which she designed and built, Chamisal, New Mexico
Image Detail of cleaning apparatus on portable type mechanical hop picker, Yakima Chief Hop Ranch. Yakima County, Washington
Image Repickers who pick over the hops after original picking by portable-type mechanical picker, Yakima Chief Hop Ranch, Yakima County, Washington
Image Little girls getting tickets for the merry-go-round at the carnival on the Fourth of July. Vale, Oregon
Image Farm land in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, a rich truck producing area. Clackamas County, Oregon