Search Results

Displaying results 21 - 40 of 178
Excerpt of the first 911 call

Excerpt of the first 911 call initiated by Branch Davidian Wayne Martin during BATF raid on Mt. Carmel, Feb. 28, 1993. Label reads "911 Waco 1-A; 1-B."

Photocopies of 3 letters from David Koresh during standoff at Mount Carmel

Photocopies of letters from David Koresh from inside Mount Carmel Center during the siege: two from "Yahweh Koresh" to people outside; one from David Koresh to Dick DeGuerin. Also contains a list of the contents on the computer disk smuggled out by Ruth Riddle on April 19, 1993, containing Koresh's essay on the First Seal.

Negotiations on March 3, 1993

Negotiations on March 3, 1993 regarding the release of children and possibility of more people leaving. Refers to transcript #30. Label reads, "Mt Carmel Recorded Phone Calls. Tape #30. 3/3/93"

Interviews with Branch Davidians inside Mt. Carmel, March 8, 1993 - part 1

Recorded interviews by David Koresh, with family and children inside Mt. Carmel during Waco standoff-Part 1. Interviewees include: Monbelly, Bernadette; Thomas, Marjorie; Schneider-Koresh, Judy; Schneider, Mayanah; Martin, Lisa; Martinez, Abigail; Sylvia, Rachel; Martinez, Audrey; Sylvia, Lorraine; and Schroeder, Kathy. Original on VHS tape. Label reads "MC home video." First of three parts; duplicate of RV047; original on VHS tape.

Interviews with Branch Davidians inside Mt. Carmel, March 8, 1993 - part 2

Recorded interviews by David Koresh, with family and children inside Mt. Carmel during Waco standoff-Part 2. Interviewees include: Noberega, Theresa; Sonobe, Floracita; Fagan, Evette; Vaega, Doris; Richards, Anita; Little, Nicole Gent; Morrison, Melissa; Morrison, Rose; Henry, Diana; Henry, Phil; Henry, Paulina; Henry, Steven; Henry, Vanessa; Henry, Phyllis; [Centoya], Ophelia; Lovelock, Derek; [Farris], Lisa; Sonobe, Scott; and Schroeder, Kathy. Original on VHS tape. Label reads "MC home video." Second of three parts; duplicate of RV047; original on VHS tape.

Interviews with Branch Davidians inside Mt. Carmel, March 8, 1993 - part 3

Recorded interviews by David Koresh, with family and children inside Mt. Carmel during Waco standoff-Part 3. Interviewees include: Koresh, Cyrus; Koresh, Star; Koresh, Bobbie; Gent, Dayland; Gent, Page; Gent Little, Nicole; Schneider, Mayanah; Andrade, Chanel; Chanel, Kathy; Jones, Serenity; Jones, Unidentified; Koresh, Rachel; Sylvia, Holly; Summers, Startle; and Summers Gyrfas, Aisha. Third of three parts; duplicate of RV047; original on VHS tape. Label reads "MC home video."

Excerpt of Ron Engleman interviewing Brad Branch

Excerpt of Ron Engleman interviewing Brad Branch, who is in jail after leaving Mount Carmel. Printed label on Side A: "KGBS Hot Talk Radio; Handwritten notes on label: 8:40am(?) Mon. 3/22/93 Ron Engelman w/Brad Branch." Side B unlabeled.